Monday, 6 June 2016

How the 'Garage Sale Millionaire' flipped a $12 tin toy for nearly $1,000

Aaron LaPedis has made a fortune finding interesting stuff and reselling it on eBay, Craigslist, or directly to individuals. He's been honing the skill since he was 10 years old, when he hosted his first garage sale. Since, he's reached the seven-figure mark and written a best-seller, "The Garage Sale Millionaire," which offers up tips on how to track down hidden gems and make money off of them. He's also made nearly a grand off a $12 tin toy, he explains to Farnoosh Torabi on an episode of her "So Money" podcast. While it wasn't his most lucrative find, the 1932 tin toy from Germany was "one of my favorite finds," he says. "I picked it up for $12 or $13, and within about a week, I flipped it on eBay for almost $1,000. ... This one happened to have a monkey on a motorcycle, and he was clapping his hands while the motorcycle was moving forward." This thousand-dollar find wasn't all luck. To find the hidden gems, you have to first know exactly what you have

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